Covid Protocols
Common areas will be sanitized regularly based on daily Botanical Gardens protocols and observed use/touch.
All Participants and general admission guests will be receive touchless temperature tests daily upon arrival. People with temperature will be turned away.
All participants will be asked if they are exhibiting any other symptoms on a daily basis upon arrival
All participants will be asked if they have been in contact with anyone with COVID in past 2 weeks before registration
All participants will be asked if they have received a vaccine at registration
Any participant that is diagnosed within 2 weeks after event will notify BFIA for notification through contact tracing.
All participants will be required to wear masks in vans, classrooms or at keynote address
Hand sanitizer stations will be available at multiple locations and at entry to seminars/keynote.
All vendor/activity areas will be open air or in a tent with air circulation and social distancing in place
Chairs for Raptor Show and seminars will be spaced for social distancing and sanitized between programs
List of all attendees for keynote will be turned in to keynote facility for contact tracing.
Participants include registrants, volunteers, staff, vendors.
Guests refers to Botanical Garden General Admission/Members not registered for BFIA.